Standards der Aidshilfe-Arbeit in Niedersachsen Broschüre Standards der Aidshilfe-Arbeit in Niedersachsen Aidshilfe Niedersachsen Landesverband e.V. (Hrsg.), März 2021 Download Any questions? On-site consulting You will receive advice, information and support at your local advice centre. Advice by telephone Telephone counselling of the German AIDS Hilfe anonymous: 0180 33 19411 Mon to Fri 09:00 to 21:00 Sat and Sun 12:00 to 14:00 Online consulting Secure, anonymous and data-protected by e-mail or chat. Search for an address With the HIV-Compass of the DAH you can find all institutions in the near. Free brochures and materials are available at the infotheque on
Broschüre Standards der Aidshilfe-Arbeit in Niedersachsen Aidshilfe Niedersachsen Landesverband e.V. (Hrsg.), März 2021 Download